Monday 14 March 2011

Brief Update from Kitty-Town

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you! I've been a little busy with work but I still found the time to sell two scarves, finish my grey cardigan (pictures as soon as I can find a model), make a pink headband that was far too big for my head, design and start knitting a cape and be given a lovely box of soft soft angora wool, which is going to become an abstract sculpture in wearable form. Reading that back, I'm not actually sure how I had time for work. Gosh.
This Wednesday I'm going to visit the V&A for a little inspiration, then on Sunday I'm attending Stitch and Craft at the Olympia to try to get free goodies and see if I can start making a mark on Cardiff before I get there. I'm looking for jobs, suppliers and friends.
On a side note, I'm so appalled for Japan and the string of disasters they're being subjected to. I don't usually care about what happens around the world but I always had this little stereotype of the Japanese as an infallible futuristic race, but they've been proven just as human as the rest of us and it doesn't seem fair.
As a last little attempt to cheer everyone back up, I would like to remind you that spring is here.

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